Why Indian Diaspora Should Get OCI Card ASAP?

Amidst soaring diplomatic tensions between India and Canada, marked by the exchange of travel advisories, a bold and unprecedented move by Indian Government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar has left Canada shocked. In the wake of deteriorating relations, India’s decision to suspend visa services in Canada underscores the significance of the OCI card as a lifeline for many seeking to maintain their connection with their homeland.

The Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) card is a significant document that bridges the gap between foreign nationals and their Indian roots. It offers a unique opportunity for the Indian diaspora to reconnect with their ancestral homeland. In this article, we will explore what the OCI card is, why you should consider getting one, the benefits it offers, the eligibility criteria, and the current status of its application process.

What Is the OCI Card?

The Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) card is a special type of long-term visa that allows foreign nationals of Indian origin to establish a deep and lasting connection with India. It offers a multitude of advantages, making it an attractive option for the Indian diaspora around the world.

Benefits of OCI Card

The OCI card comes with a range of benefits that can significantly enhance your connection to India and simplify your travel and life in the country:

1. Lifelong Visa Privileges: OCI cardholders are granted a multiple-entry, lifelong visa to India. This means you can visit India as often as you like without the need for frequent visa applications.

2. No Reporting Requirements: Unlike regular foreign visitors, OCI cardholders are exempt from reporting to police authorities during their stay in India, regardless of its duration.

3. Parity with NRIs: OCI cardholders enjoy financial, economic, and educational parity with Non-Resident Indians (NRIs). This means you can seamlessly invest, open bank accounts, and pursue educational opportunities in India.

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Eligibility Criteria

While the benefits of an OCI card are substantial, it’s essential to understand the eligibility criteria before applying. The OCI card is available to:

  1. Individuals who were once citizens of India or eligible for Indian citizenship on or after January 26, 1950.
  2. Descendants, including children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, of Indian citizens.
  3. Spouses of foreign nationals of Indian origin or OCI cardholders with a registered and continuous marriage of at least two years.

Please note that individuals or their ancestors with connections to certain specified countries, such as Pakistan or Bangladesh, are not eligible for OCI card registration.

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Before applying for an OCI card, there are certain prerequisites you should be aware of:

  • Applicant’s Image and Signature: You will need to provide an applicant’s image and signature image, with the following specifications:
    • Maximum file size of 1MB.
    • The applicant’s photo should have equal height and width.
    • Minimum dimensions of 200 pixels (width) x 200 pixels (height).
    • Maximum dimensions of 3500 pixels (width) x 3500 pixels (height).
    • The signature photo should have an aspect ratio of 1:3.
    • Minimum dimensions of 200 pixels (width) x 67 pixels (height).
    • Maximum dimensions of 3500 pixels (width) x 2500 pixels (height).
  • Supporting Documents: Ensure that you have all the necessary supporting documents in PDF format, with a maximum file size of 1000KB.

These prerequisites are essential to successfully complete the OCI card application process. Being prepared with the required images and documents will expedite your application and bring you one step closer to enjoying the benefits of OCI status.

Head over to official website (OCI) for more information.

Current Status

As of the current status, please be aware that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, walk-in visits to the Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO) for OCI registrations and other visa-related services have been temporarily suspended. Appointments are now mandatory, and applicants should contact their respective FRRO Support Centers to schedule appointments.

To quickly sum up, the OCI card is a valuable asset for the Indian diaspora, offering a seamless connection to their roots, simplified travel to India, and numerous privileges. If you are eligible, one should consider obtaining an OCI card as soon as possible. While the current application process may have some temporary restrictions due to ongoing issues, but the benefits and opportunities it unlocks make it a compelling choice for those seeking to strengthen their ties with Bharat.

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